He served in Co. H., 29th Va. Infantry, Condederate States of America, in the Civil War.
At an early date he located and surveyed a tract of 300 acres of land in Tazewell Cnty., and
through his energetic worl made it one of the finest farms in that area of the state. Here he
made his home until his death and the age of 74. He was a famous beat hunter, and, in a
period of 3 years, he killed 82 bears, and during his lifetime over 1200.
7 of their sons saw service in the Confederate army. Of that number, Benjamin was killed in battle,
George was severely wounded, and Ebenezer, enlisted as a captain, and through gallantry in
battle, was promoted to Major.
Ebenezer was a famous bear hunter in Virginia, who killed 82 bears in one three-year period and
over 1200 bears in his lifetime.
She was named in her father's will